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See also: Sand
Black Sand
Location/Made On Beach, Press
Tool Spade
Stackable Yes (99)
"Dark glass & magnets."

Black Sand is a variant form of sand.

Appearance[править | править код]

Black sand is a mottled, charcoal-colored block, very much like a darker form of sand.

Where Found[править | править код]

All worlds (even those created before version 1.4) can have black sand spawned in them. It appears in thin and intermittent lines through existing sand, both near bodies of water and in deserts.

Gathering[править | править код]

It's best harvested using a spade or magnet (which has an odd, metallic "shing" sound associated with it), although there is no loss associated with using anything else. A gold spade may produce iron ore, magnets, or time crystals when black sand is harvested.

Alternately, black sand can be created with a press from one sand and three pig iron.

Black Sand
Location Input Item 1 Input Item 2 Input Item 3 Input Item 4 Crafted Output
Press 40px + 40px + + = 40px
Sand Pig Iron [[]] [[]] Black Sand
Qty 1 3 {{{Qty3}}} {{{Qty4}}} 1

Crafting[править | править код]

Black sand can be processed in a kiln or electric kiln to make black glass.

Black Glass
Location Input Item 1 Input Item 2 Input Item 3 Input Item 4 Crafted Output
Kiln (either) 40px + + + = 40px
Black Sand [[]] [[]] [[]] Black Glass
Qty 1 {{{Qty2}}} {{{Qty3}}} {{{Qty4}}} 1

It can also be smelted with sand in an electric furnace to make a silicon ingot.

Silicon Ingot
Location Input Item 1 Input Item 2 Input Item 3 Input Item 4 Crafted Output
Electric Furnace 40px + 40px + + = 40px
Black Sand Sand [[]] [[]] Silicon Ingot
Qty 5 5 {{{Qty3}}} {{{Qty4}}} 1

Combining black sand with an iron ingot using a metalwork bench (or an electric one) will create a magnet.

Location Input Item 1 Input Item 2 Input Item 3 Input Item 4 Crafted Output
Metalwork Bench (either) 40px + 40px + + = 40px
Iron Ingot Black Sand [[]] [[]] Magnet
Qty 1 1 {{{Qty3}}} {{{Qty4}}} 1

Two black sand can be put through a press to produce one iron ore.

Iron Ore
Location Input Item 1 Input Item 2 Input Item 3 Input Item 4 Crafted Output
Press 40px + + + = 40px
Black Sand [[]] [[]] [[]] Iron Ore
Qty 2 {{{Qty2}}} {{{Qty3}}} {{{Qty4}}} 1

Notes[править | править код]

Like most blocks, black sand remains where it's placed even if all support under it is removed.

The relationship between iron ore and black sand is circular but inefficient. Three pig iron and one sand can be turned into one black sand, two black sand can be turned into one iron ore, and one iron ore with one crushed limestone can be turned into one pig iron. Completing this circle from black sand to black sand loses one sand, three crushed limestone, five black sand, and the required fuel.