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Файл:Cave Troll.png
Cave Troll in its lair

A cave troll is a hostile creature spawned when a world is created.

Appearance[править | править код]

They are slightly bigger then a Blockhead, and have blue skin, one red eye, and a mouth with visible teeth.

Where Found[править | править код]

Cave trolls keep lairs in caves deep underground, about 3/4 of the way from sea level to the core, which is about the same depth at which gold and diamonds begin to be found. The lair consists of two ice torches and a nearby golden chest.

Revealing a cave troll is accompanied by an ominous, multi-tone musical cue.

Behavior[править | править код]

A troll prefers to stand guard over its treasure between the two ice torches in its lair.

If disturbed by a Blockhead attacking or approaching too close, the troll will pursue the interloper. It is almost as capable of climbing (including ladders), jumping, swimming, and otherwise navigating a cave as any Blockhead, although it moves slower, allowing most Blockheads to escape. The only way Blockheads can go somewhere a troll can't is if there is a one-block-high tunnel the Blockhead can enter.

If its target moves too far away from the troll, the troll moves too far away from its lair, or its target passes a suitable barrier such as a door, trapdoor, or one-high gap, the troll will stop pursuing and return to its lair.

When attacked, a troll will tip, roar, and right itself.

Harvesting[править | править код]

Trolls may be the most dangerous type of creature to fight in the entire game, as they are able to inflict terrible damage on even a Blockhead wearing a full suit of iron armor. It also takes at least a dozen blows from the most powerful weapon available to bring one down, giving a troll ample time to retaliate. Even a ranged weapon used from a separated platform is little help, as trolls can climb as well as Blockheads and respond to interlopers at bow range.

Yet with preparation, planning, and some quick responses, cave trolls can be defeated and their lairs looted in safety. Just be ready to heal up afterward.

Rewards[править | править код]

See also: Golden Chest

They drop Ice Armor when killed. The golden chest has improved chances of spawning with ingots and gems, and almost no chance of spawning with any sort of coins.

The first time a player defeats a cave troll, they acquire the achievement "Blue Fury."

Gallery[править | править код]