Материал из Blockheads
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Сотворение мира[править | править код]

После запуска приложения "The Blockheads", коснитесь кнопки "SINGLE PLAYER" (один игрок) на главном экране. Выберите кнопку "NEW WORLD" (новый мир)на следующем экране. Если вы хотите дать миру имя, нажмите на ячейку "WORLD NAME" (имя мира), измените имя по-умолчанию как хотите, затем нажмите кнопку "PLAY" (играть) и приложение случаным образом создаст мир в котором будет жить ваш Blockhead.

Следующий шаг, который вам нужен - это заселение Blockhead в мире (процесс называется "warping" (появление)).

Создание Blockhead[править | править код]

Вы видите небольшую часть мира, отображаемую на экране. Все остальное закрашено черным, пока Blockhead не начнет исследовать мир. В центре экрана находится синий портал.

A starting portal at night
Файл:Warp in Blockhead Screen.png
Warp in Blockhead screen
Файл:Warping in at Night.png
Phred the Blockhead warping in at night
  1. Tap the portal to bring up the "WARP IN BLOCKHEAD" balloon.
  2. Choose the gender of your Blockhead by tapping either the "MALE" or "FEMALE" button.
  3. The game will offer a randomly selected gender appropriate name and look for your Blockhead. If you're satisfied or impatient to get on with actually playing skip the next step.
  4. If you'd like to customize your Blockhead, tap the "RANDOM" button until the look is satisfactory, then change the name as desired. (The name randomizes with each button tap, so it must be edited afterward.)
  5. Tap the "WARP IN" button

Your Blockhead will appear and more of the immediate surroundings will be revealed.

Now that you've got a world and a Blockhead to live in it, you'll need to take care of your Blockhead's basic needs. Fortunately, your Blockhead is not without resources.

First Steps[править | править код]

Before it can use anything more than what it finds, your Blockhead will need to create various Crafting Surfaces. To create them, it will need a Workbench, which can be obtained from the portal if it carries a block of dirt. This is easy to obtain, either by having the Blockhead beat on the ground until it gets one or by using the spade it should be carrying to do the same thing faster. Other items can be gathered in a similar fashion as needed. Now just tap the portal and "warp in" a Workbench.

Basic Needs[править | править код]

Like you, your Blockhead has a fundamental need for warmth, shelter, and food. Satisfying those needs before nightfall is a good way to start.

Warmth[править | править код]

Some climates can get very cold, particularly at night. This can adversely affect a Blockhead.

Campfire[править | править код]

The simplest item to obtain that will keep a Blockhead warm is a Campfire, a craftable item made with a Workbench. Placing a campfire in a shelter will result in a happy Blockhead from the light and warmth. But beware, campfires can also burn down any wooden structures placed too close to them.

Clothing[править | править код]

Various different clothing can also be crafted to keep your Blockhead warm, the fur coat and fur boots being the most beneficial. They can be crafted on a Tailor's Bench.

Shelter[править | править код]

Later in the game a shelter can be as elaborate as you want (and can) make it. For now you'll want to direct your Blockhead to gather the necessary resources with which to build a shelter.

The easiest way to start is to dig out a cave. There is a spade among your Blockhead's starting equipment so digging a small shelter into a dirt hillside or just a hole down into the ground is quickly and easily accomplished. Just select the spade and then tap on the dirt blocks you wish to remove. This also provides your Blockhead with dirt blocks that can be used to build a roof, floor, or walls of a dirt hut instead of just a quick cave.

Light[править | править код]

When night sets, a source of light will comfort a Blockhead. Most standing sources of heat will also provide light, as will a portal or torch until better sources become practical. Light does not inhibit a Blockhead from sleeping.

Food[править | править код]

Eating food fills up your Blockhead's hunger and health bars. Remember, food is fuel and medicine.

Your Blockhead will begin the game with a small supply of food. Your options for adding to your food supply depend on the available creatures, plants, season, and chosen dietary limitations of your Blockhead. Your Blockhead can kill creatures and or collect the fruits of trees and plants when they are in season.

Sleep[править | править код]

Eventually a Blockhead's energy will be depleted and its actions will slow down. At this point it will need to be told to sleep, although that can be done its energy bar is at least half gone. Creating a bed will speed up the sleeping process, and improved beds help even more.

Continue[править | править код]

Congratulations! With light, shelter, food, and a place to sleep, a Blockhead has all its basic needs met. Where to go from there is up to you, the player.