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Starting equipment is the few items in a Blockhead's inventory when a Blockhead first arrives in a new world.

List of Starting Equipment[править | править код]

First Blockhead[править | править код]

The first Blockhead in a world should be equipped with:

The specific fruit provided is likely to be influenced by what climate or biome the initial portal is in.

Second Blockhead[править | править код]

The second Blockhead in a world should be equipped with:

The specific fruit provided is the same type of fruit you spent to warp him/her in.

Third Blockhead[править | править код]

The third Blockhead in a world should be equipped with:

The specific fruit provided is the same type of fruit you spent to warp him/her in.

Fourth Blockhead[править | править код]

The fourth Blockhead in a world should be equipped with:

The specific fruit provided is the same type of fruit you spent to warp him/her in.